Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Love Dare

I bought the book "The Love Dare" from the movie "Fireproof" yesterday. I had the book in the van with me when I picked up our 10 year old from school. He noticed the book and thought it was cool that I had the book from the movie. He then got serious and said, "Are you and Daddy getting a divorce?" I guess he thought that because the couple in the movie was considering a divorce that anyone reading the book must be also. It was a great opportunity to explain to him that even when a couple has a good marriage, they must always work to make it better. It's never too early to teach young men about relationships!

The first day of The Love Dare began with patience. So when I saw this I thought the dare may be over because patience is not my best virtue. In fact, my lack of patience is probably my biggest character flaw. The last paragraph of Chapter 1 states:

"This Love Dare journey is a process, and the first thing you must resolve to possess is patience. Think of it as a marathon, not a sprint. But it's a race worth running."

But as someone who does not have patience, all I am thinking is "Hurry up!


Anonymous said...

humm I have nt heard of the book nor the movie will have to look into it, and good teachings with they young man!
love your page!

Librarian or Teacher said...

You are more patient than you think!
You did wait 6 hours for me to open an envelope that held the fate of my future.

Ok not fate, just a big factor.

Anonymous said...

Stopping by from SITS! Welcome to SITS you are gonna love it! I just bought the "Love Dare" book as well. I was deeply touched by day one and I keep reading it over and over again, because it is not one of my strong points!

penguinsandladybugs said...

I started the Love Dare with hubby a few months ago....and fizzled out somewhere. Did not finish the marathon, I suppose! Hang in is good stuff!

Anonymous said...

Welcome to SITS! I just rented Fireproof. I can't wait to watch it with hubby tonight. I've heard it was good. I didn't know it had a book too.

Tamara Dawn said...

LOL - I love what you said about patience. Hope the book is a success. I have heard a lot about the movie and the book. I may have to give both a look!

Welcome to SITS!!

Sig said...

OK I have got to see this movie.
And FWIW- I have zero patience. Well, maybe a bit more than zero, but yikes...I am in trouble..