Thursday, February 19, 2009

I had to laugh when I saw this cartoon. It reminded me of a story about our son. When he was 5 years old he learned to make "that" sound with his armpit. He is actually quite good at it. He can also make the disgusting sound with his knees, ears, and neck. He is really talented. Anyways, I digress. To finish the father-in-law is a Southern Baptist minister (old school, hell-fire and brimstone)...he and my sweet mother-in-law had come in for the weekend. Me and Little Bit were not at home when they arrived. We walk into the house, Little Bit runs to find Papa..."Papa,Papa, do you want to hear "Jesus Loves Me?" "I sure do, hon" says Papa. He then proceeds to "play" "Jesus Loves Me" on his armpit. "Boy, who taught you that?" says Papa. "My Daddy!" Little Bit proudly proclaims. Never have I been so proud of my child's talent. He can play a song with only one lesson!


Ash said...


I'd be proud as well, because you know Jesus was. Probably gave him a much-needed giggle.

Welcome to SiTS!!! Em

Anonymous said...

Oh my word...that story is tooo funny! Boys are definitely a trip sometimes! Thanks for stopping by today and I hope you win the giveaway!

Morgan said...

LoL, that's hilarious!!

Sig said...

SO talented.